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10DLC requirements

10DLC requirements

Only required for Toll Free Numbers from United States & Canada

Register a new brand

Legal company name
Legal form (Government, non profit, private profit, public profit, sole proprietor)
First name, Last name
'Doing business as' (DBA) or trade name of the company.
Tax Number/ID/EIN
Postal/Zip code
Phone number

Campaign registration

Standard we register for Low Volume Mixed traffic

Qualification is done by USA mobile operators. They determine if your brand can send SMS traffic for your selected use case. If your use case is rejected, or if your throughput is insufficient, you can appeal through Brand Vetting.

Campaign name
Campaign description
Provide up to five examples of the messaging this campaign will send.
Describe Subscriber Opt-In Flow

Typically, only one company (brand) is allowed to verify one toll-free number. However, if a company wishes to verify more than 1 number, they need to provide a "valid business reason" for each number up to 5 numbers (for example, staging and production server need 2 numbers, or three sales regions need 3 numbers verified).

Campaign limitations

Your campaigns will be limited to these limitations.
If you need more volumes please consider Brand Vetting.

AT&T 75 SMS per minute
T-Mobile 2000 SMS per day

What is Brand Vetting?

Vetting is a background check processed by an independent company. When you setup a 10DLC brand , your entity will be assigned a limitation of throughput per second / minute / day for the number of messages you can send to your customers. The brand verification allows your brand to create low volume mixed campaigns. Sole Proprietor brands cannot go through vetting, except in the special use case of a political campaign which will require a political vetting.

When is Vetting Required?

An external vetting (standard or Enhanced) is required for the creation of all campaign use types except:

Low volume mixed campaigns (doesn't require vetting)
Political campaigns (may require a political vetting)
A political vetting may be required for political campaigns:

For non-profit brands: Political vets at any level are accepted (Tribal, Local, State and Federal)

10DLC Costs

- Brand Registration: $5 (one-off fee)
- Campaign Vetting Fee: $20 (one-off fee)
- Campaign Usecase Subscription: from $150 (yearly fee)

Updated on: 04/08/2023