Articles on: Developers

Connecting Informat with Smstools

Connecting Informat with Smstools

Step-by-step instructions for the integration

Step 1: Log in to Smstools

Go to the Smstools dashboard and log in with your account credentials.

Step 2: Access the developer section

Click on Developer in the left menu.
Open the menu and select Integrations from the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Connect Informat

In the integration overview, look for the Informat card.
Click on Connect.

Step 4: Set up the API user

In the pop-up window, enter the required details to complete the connection with Informat.
Click Save to successfully complete the integration.

Important requirements

This login user must be a web services user of Informat and have access to "Student Data" and "Additional Student Data".

This means that:

You must create a user – for example, – in Informat.

This user must have access to the correct applications, such as students and/or staff.

Updated on: 06/03/2025