How does email to SMS work?
Go to 'Advanced' (1) in the Menu on your left side and choose 'Email2Message' (2)

Add domain or email (1)
Enable 'Text in subject' (2) if needed: if you do this, you will setup a default originator from your account and you can use the subject field as a part of your SMS message. If you disable this, you an enter an originator in the subject line.
Enable 'Automatic limit message' (3) if you want to make sure you don't use over 160, 306 or 459 characters. (You can select the amount you want.)
Save (4)

Create a new email in your email program. You can set your email up as follow:
To Field
In the 'To' field, enter your receiver as follows: <receiver>
Please do not use any spaces or special characters. Use the international format.
Example :
You can also send to a group of contacts from your account. Make sure that your group exisist in your account and that the group name only contains standard characters and number.
Please to not use any spaces or special characters.
These will not be received and will not be sent as an SMS. To send to one of your groups, enter your receiver as follows: <groupname>
Subject Field
In the setup of your email you had the option to select 'Text as subject', if you have enabled it you have setup a default originator from your account and can use the subject field as part of your SMS message. if you did not enable it, you can enter a originator in the subject line.
Email Body Field
Enter the content of your SMS message in the email body. You can use different markers that can be helpfull in your email body
Use the markers --begin and/or --end in your email body to specify which part of your message should be included in the SMS message.
This can be very helpfull to exclude the signature from your SMS message.
As you can see on the examples below, we specified a few email body texts with a begin and/or end.
--begin This is a test message. --end This extra content will not be sent.
This extra content will not be sent. --begin This is a test message. This extra content will be sent.
This is a test message. --end This extra content will not be sent.
Text as subject
If you have set a text as subject, the message will be the subject and the email body combined in 1 text.

Add domain or email (1)
Enable 'Text in subject' (2) if needed: if you do this, you will setup a default originator from your account and you can use the subject field as a part of your SMS message. If you disable this, you an enter an originator in the subject line.
Enable 'Automatic limit message' (3) if you want to make sure you don't use over 160, 306 or 459 characters. (You can select the amount you want.)
Save (4)

Create a new email in your email program. You can set your email up as follow:
To Field
In the 'To' field, enter your receiver as follows: <receiver>
Please do not use any spaces or special characters. Use the international format.
Example :
You can also send to a group of contacts from your account. Make sure that your group exisist in your account and that the group name only contains standard characters and number.
Please to not use any spaces or special characters.
These will not be received and will not be sent as an SMS. To send to one of your groups, enter your receiver as follows: <groupname>
Subject Field
In the setup of your email you had the option to select 'Text as subject', if you have enabled it you have setup a default originator from your account and can use the subject field as part of your SMS message. if you did not enable it, you can enter a originator in the subject line.
Email Body Field
Enter the content of your SMS message in the email body. You can use different markers that can be helpfull in your email body
Use the markers --begin and/or --end in your email body to specify which part of your message should be included in the SMS message.
This can be very helpfull to exclude the signature from your SMS message.
As you can see on the examples below, we specified a few email body texts with a begin and/or end.
--begin This is a test message. --end This extra content will not be sent.
This extra content will not be sent. --begin This is a test message. This extra content will be sent.
This is a test message. --end This extra content will not be sent.
Text as subject
If you have set a text as subject, the message will be the subject and the email body combined in 1 text.

Updated on: 17/10/2023